Zhejiang University
College of Computer Science and Technology

Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
Yao-Xiang Ding

Spring & Summer 2024

General Information | Slides & Readings

Course summary
Staff, lectures, office hours
Grading & Assignments
Academic integrity


  • 2024.4.15, week 8: The mid-term quiz will be on the class of Week 9.
  • 2024.3.11, week 3: The 8 term projects are on PTA now. The ddl will be on the end of Week 16.
  • 2024.2.26, week 1: Course begins.

  • Course summary

    You can find slides and reading materials here: Slides & Readings

    The content of this course consists of two parts: the first part is for advanced data structures, such as the variations of binary search trees and the inverted file index for searching big data sets, and various optimizations of the priority queues and the amortized analysis; the second part is for algorithm design and analysis techniques, such as divide and conquer, dynamic programming, greedy, back tracking, together with approximation methods, local search, and randomized algorithms. Parallel algorithms and external sorting will also be introduced.

    Staff, lectures, office hours

  • Lecture Time:
    Monday 6-8 (every week), 紫金港西1-408
    Monday 9-10 (lab, every week),紫金港机房

  • Teacher:  Yao-Xiang Ding
    Office: 519 Meng Minwei Building, Zijingang Campus
    E-Mail: dingyx.gm at gmail.com
    Office hours: Wednesday 15:00-17:00
    (Please make appointment on Ding Ding or E-Mail. For unexpected visits, I have to apologize for the possible absence.)

  • TA: Ziang Qin
    E-Mail: qinziang-zju at 163.com

  • Notice: If you have any doubt or difficulty in this course, please contact the teacher or the TA freely.

  • Prerequisites

    ZJU course "Fundamental Data Structures" or other similar level courses. Basic programming experience.

    Grading and Assignments

    Check the description of course policy

    Academic integrity

    Every participant of this course should strictly follow the basic standards of academic integrity. The teacher and TA will try their best to make the efforts of all students count, and the grading accurate and fair. Meanwhile, all students in this course should obey the following rules.

    Work on the weekly problem sets independently. Please contact the teacher and the TA for any difficulties and issues, as well as reasons of delays.

    For research projects, the work division should be noted accurately and clearly. Any use of open-source codes should be declared.

    We have no bearing on any kinds of dishonesty. Any violation of integrity will lead to the failure of passing the course.

    Remember: Any work with your name must be truly done by you. Let us make our contributions in building a pure academic environment.


    The slides of the course are adapted from the ones designed by Prof. Yue Chen and the ZJU ADS course group.

    Last updated on 2024.4.15.